The tool is meant to be a random color generator. The user can create up to ten cylinders on the screen by clicking on the screen. Then they can reveal the colors by pressing  the space key and some colors have a greater chance of appearing than others. The user then has the option to destroy all the cylinders and try again with the click of a button.

Feature 1: Display Mouse Positions

Input: Mouse Position

Process: Assign mouse positions x and y to two different text objects

Output: Text is shown on the top left showing the x and y positions of the mouse

Difference: This feature is different from the class project in that it uses two different variables and is shown on the top left corner of the screen instead of the bottom left

Feature 2: Create Cylinder With Mouse Click

Input: Mouse Left Click

Process: When mouse is clicked assign location to the clickPosition variable and create a cylinder at that location

Output: Create a white cylinder at the mouse location

Difference: Up to ten cylinders can be created at a time

Feature 3: Reveal Color of Cylinder

Input: Space key

Process: Goes through each cylinder with a for each loop and changes the color based on a random number

Output: Colors of all cylinders are changed to random colors

Difference: This feature is different from the class project in that it changes the colors of all of the cylinders at once instead of there being a color assigned when the object is created

Feature 4: Reset Button

Input: Button Press

Process: Goes through each cylinder with a for each loop and destroys each one

Output: All cylinders are cleared and the counter is reset.

Difference: This feature is different from the class project in that it is called reset and resets

Made withUnity